
Mokhoa oa ho fana ka poloko ea matla bakeng sa li-air conditioner tsa koloi lehlabula

Ha mocheso oa lehlabula o ntse o kenella, beng ba likoloi ba itšetlehile haholo ka li-air conditioner hore ba lule ba pholile ba bile ba phutholohile ha ba le tseleng. Leha ho le joalo, tšebeliso e eketsehileng ea moea nakong ea selemo sena e ka lebisa ho eketseha ha tšebeliso ea matla le ho fokotsa ts'ebetso ea mafura. Ho rarolla bothata bona, tšebeliso eali-compressor tsa motlakasetsamaisong ea moea ea ho futhumatsa moea ea likoloi e fetohile tharollo e tsebahalang ea ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea matla.

Li-compressor tsa motlakaseke karolo ea bohlokoa ea lisebelisoa tsa sejoale-joale tsa moea tsa likoloi 'me li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho boloka mocheso o lakatsehang ka har'a koloi. Ho fapana le li-compressor tsa setso tse tsamaisoang ka lebanta, li-compressor tsa motlakase li sebetsa hantle haholo 'me li ka laoloa ka nepo ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho pholisa. Sena se fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ka kakaretso, haholo-holo nakong ea likhoeli tse chesang tsa lehlabula.

Lehlabuleng, coefficient of performance (COP) ea air conditioner ke ntlha e ka sehloohong ho khethollang matla a eona a matla. COP e lekanya karo-karolelano ea tlhahiso ea ho pholisa ho ho kenya matla, ka COP e phahameng e bonts'ang ts'ebetso e ntle ea matla.

Li-compressor tsa motlakasethusa ho ntlafatsa COP ka ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o atlehileng le ka katleho ho laola mokhoa oa ho pholisa, qetellong o fokotsa matla a hlokahalang ho boloka mocheso o motle ka har'a koloi.


Ka ho kopanya

li-compressor tsa motlakaseho litsamaiso tsa moea tse futhumatsang likoloi, bahlahisi ba khona ho fana ka litharollo tse baballang matla tse molemong oa tikoloho le bareki. Tšebeliso ea li-compressor tsa motlakase ha e fokotse feela tšebeliso ea matla le ho tsoa ha likhase tse futhumatsang lefatše, empa hape e ntlafatsa boiphihlelo ba ho khanna ka kakaretso ka ho fana ka ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang ea ho pholisa esita le likhoeling tse chesang tsa lehlabula. Ha li-automaker li ntse li tsoela pele ho etelletsa pele matla a matla le ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng, ho amoheloa ha li-compressor tsa motlakase tsamaisong ea moea ho lebeletsoe hore e be e tloaelehileng haholoanyane, ho fa beng ba bona tharollo e tala, e theko e boima ho ba boloka ba pholile nakong ea lehlabula. O dule o phodile tseleng.


Ka bokhutšoanyane, ts'ebeliso ea li-compressor tsa motlakase litsing tsa moea tsa likoloi li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso ea matla, haholo-holo likhoeling tse chesang tsa lehlabula.Li-compressor tsa motlakaseeketsa li-coefficients tsa ts'ebetso le ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla, ho fana ka tharollo e tsitsitseng le e sebetsang bakeng sa ho boloka likoloi li pholile ha li ntse li fokotsa tšusumetso ea tikoloho. Ha baetsi ba likoloi le bareki ba etelletsa pele ts'ebeliso ea matla a motlakase, ho amoheloa ha li-compressor tsa motlakase ho lebelletsoe hore e be maemo a tloaelehileng lits'ebetsong tsa sejoale-joale tsa moea oa likoloi, ho fana ka tharollo e tala, e theko e tlase bakeng sa ho khanna ha lehlabula.

Nako ea poso: Sep-13-2024